Samantha Gilmore

Linklater Voice

Samantha Gilmore is a Designated Linklater Voice Teacher who trained with Kristin Linklater in Orkney, Scotland. In addition to the Tom Todoroff Studio, she has taught at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts and the Molloy/CAP21 Theatre Arts Program, in addition to the General Theological Seminary in New York, NY and Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. In each of these settings, she brings an interdisciplinary sensibility, a collaborative spirit, and a sensitivity to the student’s individual needs and the material at hand. She seeks to provide a balance of rigor and support, which creates space for students to take risks without bypassing the disciplined, slow learning required for the development of an embodied voice that allows each word to resound and be manifested through the speaking body. Samantha will graduate with a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary in May 2022.


For more detailed information about classes, tuition or other concerns, we invite you to contact the Tom Todoroff Studio today by calling 212-362-8141, or by writing to us through our secure contact page.